The number 803 h we find on Door Closers is just a sticker or stamping we find on many of there closers. The sticker or stamping usually says Listed Door Closer Arm 803 h. This is the UL number, which…
If you have an older Sargent 250 door closer they have been replaced by the Sargent 281. In the 1990′s Sargent discontinued the 250, but they came out the Sargent 281 Door Closers. The 281′s will work in place of…
We are now handling Bobrick toilet partition replacement parts and hardware. Bobrick Washroom Equipment has been around for the last 100 years. We are currently stocking Bobrick Slide Bolt Latches, Throw Latches, and Slide Latches with indicator, along with all…
We have just added the American Specialties Roval Collection to our website, this along with the rest of our Restroom Accessories, creates one of the largest collections of Restroom Accessories on the web. The Roval Collection is “intended for high-profile…
If you want the look of rubber stair treads, without the cost associated with them, you may want to look at Blemished Rubber Stair Treads. Usually the only defect is an air bubble, small color imperfection, or a dimple. …
If you have an older Sargent 1250 and 1251 door closer they have been replaced by the Sargent 281. In the 1990′s Sargent discontinued the 1250 and 1251′s, but they came out the Sargent 281 Door Closers. The 281′s will…